MAKE HISTORY THIS WEEKEND! HELP BUILD A MASSIVE CARDBOARD MODEL OF 400 YEARS OF PHILADELPHIA HISTORY ALONG THE SCHUYLKILL RIVER IN JUST 48 HOURS! September 20-22nd * All Ages Wanted * Grays Ferry Crescent * Food * Prizes * Adventure CAMP CRESCENT! is a festival of making, building and exploring for all ages at the Grays Ferry […]
Urban Geek Drinks, is a monthly happy hour for a diverse group of civic do-gooders in Philadelphia. It’s an opportunity for you to connect with other people who give a damn and are working incredibly hard to make Philadelphia a really great city. Organized by Aaron Ogle of Open Plans and Alex Gilliam of Public Workshop, it grows […]
Friends, you have two great opportunities to help create and then enjoy something truly incredible (that doesn’t exist anywhere else) in the very heart of downtown Philadelphia. Over the past week, Public Workshop has worked with over seventy teenagers and young designers to design-build the beginnings of a fantastic play landscape in the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s PHS Pop-Up Garden between 19th […]
September has been a busy month for Public Workshop. It kicked off with Alex Gilliam presenting on the importance of prototyping behaviors for civic innovation at the Social Capitol Markets Conference on a panel about prototyping with Jocelyn Wyatt of, Adam Dole of the Mayo Clinic and Veronika Scott of the Empowerment Plan. Thanks to Sarah […]
Want to come build fantastic structures that challenge people’s sense of possibility? Sure you do, who doesn’t? In the coming weeks, in three different cities, we will be leading a variety of building workshops with our Build It! Disks. The focus of each workshop and the reason for using the Disks is varied: In Austin, our […]
A Longitudinal Study of Shared Space Street Improvements And Older People’s Quality Of Life– Catharine Ward Thompson, Susana Alves, Peter Aspinall, Jenny Roe and Affonso Zuin Examining The Spatial And Temporal Patterns In Children’s Neighborhood-Based Activity And Mobility Using Personal Monitoring Technology –Jason Gilliand and Janet Loebach The Effects Of Casino Design, Restorative Images And […]
Why wouldn’t I want to share my work with and be a part of a program that describes itself as ‘A Design Laboratory For Modeling Change‘? Over the past couple of months I have had the great the pleasure of getting to know the students, faculty and the collective work of the Industrial Design Program […]
When is a tree not a tree? When you give a bunch of landscape architecture students and teachers the task of making a tree from scrap pieces of 1″ x 2″. In this case a tree becomes a lean-to, a passage way, a vertical lattice, the beginnings of an innovative sub-structure, a shed and goodness […]
A Week Of Building Experiments And Adventures Interested in helping test the limits of learning, design and collaboration while making gorgeous structures in a fantastic space? Starting this Sunday I will be leading six days of fantastic building experiments at the National Building Museum and I would love for you, and your friends to come […]
What could be better than spending a couple of days in April in Davis, California talking about participatory design and working with a group of incredibly talented people, imagining the future of design education? I couldn’t be more excited to have been invited to give the annual Rob Thayer Lecture on April 15th at the […]
We are pleased to be heading to sunny Columbus, Ohio on Sunday to help the fine folks at Prototype Camp do wonderful things and generally be a part of the design adventure that they’ve assembled. Particularly unique because it is a youth design charette focused on the future of education in the midst of a […]
I am really excited to be able to invite you to the Children Changing Cities panel this Saturday morning (6/19) at 9.30 at the Association for Community Design Conference (here) in Berkeley, California. The panel brings together a compelling collection of thinkers and doers who are redefining how we engage youth in making our cities, […]
If they are not meant for children, they are not meant for citizens either. If they are not meant for citizens-ourselves- they are not cities. -Herman Hertzberger Herman, quite frankly I couldn’t agree more and therefore when the Association For Community Design decided that the theme of their conference this year would be ‘Toward A […]
How can we creatively re-imagine urban education? We’re quite excited to be presenting at the Ripple Conference (here) on April 24th at the University of Chicago and surprised to be sharing a program with none other than Bill Ayers! It’s too early to say how this is going to impact our future political careers but […]
Event: Chicago K-12 Design Educator Potluck Presentation: You Can Change Your City by Alex Gilliam of Public Workshop Date: Thursday February 4th from 6.30-8.00 pm-ish Location: Landon Bone Baker Architects, 734 N Milwaukee Ave. Here’s why you shouldn’t miss it: Normally Public Workshop wouldn’t trumpet giving a presentation at a relatively informal event but ladies and gents, […]
Local governments are the largest industry in the world without an r + d function. What happens if you create an informal r + d unit for a city, bringing together a carefully chosen group of people who are doing great but very different things in the world to re-imagine issues of civic importance where […]
Changing a place by talking about someone’s mom and playing games? Dominoes and Talking Smack? What could be better on a Sunday afternoon at a brand spanking new time (4 pm) in a shiny new (as in we haven’t tried it) domino-themed place? Dust off your best momma jokes, bone up on your dot counting […]
On Tuesday October 20th at 7.00 pm , Public Workshop will be presenting at the Building A Healthier Austin symposium. The organizers have done a great job of assembling a diverse cast of characters involved in health care, transportation, housing, planning, etc. for what will be a great and inspiring conversation. The focus will be […]
Dominoes and Talking Smack? What could be better on a Sunday morning? Head on down to the north end of the UT Tennis Courts on Trinity Street (between the creek and the courts, by the bridge) for fabulous company, and good food. Get ready to do your best grumpy old man, Oscar Madison impersonation as […]
Waller Creek Is For Croquet, Crumpets And Cucumber Sandwiches? Victrolas, Records, Six Inch Fish, Cooling Off With Your Shoes Off, Giddy Wading? Exploring With Friends, Heading Up Stream To Try The Red Swing Another Time, Lemon Shortbread, Sun Dresses And Brainstorming New Waller Creek Adventures? Enticing and perhaps unbelievable but oh so very true. It […]
August 21, 2013